The Tangram, is a very ancient Chinese game, consisting of forming silhouettes of figures with the seven pieces given without overlapping them. The seven pieces of this set are named "Tans" and are as follows:
- 5 triangles (two built with the main diagonal of the same size, the two small ones of the central strip are also of the same size).
- 1 square
- 1 parallelogram or rhomboid
Today, this game is used as entertainment, in psychology, in physical education, in design, in philosophy, and particularly in pedagogy. But I am going to focus on the area of mathematics, which is used to introduce concepts of geometry plan, and to promote the development of psychomotor and intellectual abilities of children. Since it allows to link in a playful way the concrete manipulation of materials with the formation of abstract ideas.
How to play Tangram?
1. The seven pieces must always be used without overlapping or leaving out any.
2. Place the pieces on the moulds or templates, trying to guess what space each piece can occupy, until it is completed.
3. For a more advanced level only the silhouette of the perimeter of the figure will be shown to the child and the child will have to fix the parts to form the figure.
4. The child can create his or her own designs.
What are the benefits of playing Tangram?
This game stimulates and develops capacities for the resolution of mathematical problems, logical thinking and mathematical concepts such as geometric figures, coherence, symmetry, areas of figures and perimeters. The importance of using this type of entertainment lies in the fact that problems of mathematical complexity are beginning to be seen from other perspectives, and children may perceive mathematics as something simple, similar to a game, which is what it really represents. In this way he begins to develop another concept of mathematics by facilitating mathematical logical processes.
Increases analytical capacity, taking on some challenges allows the child to have new alternatives to a complex problem and provide several solutions for a single problem, Perhaps some children have not developed the ability to encounter a simple thought about situations of mathematical problems. It strengthens the improvement of child care, the mental exercise of reasoning and the forms in space helps to improve concentration, since it takes a long time to dedicate to the figures achieving a greater capacity for concentration.
Next, I will give you several exercises to solve with the TANGRAM:
1. Form triangles with the pieces of the Tangram. First use a single piece, then two, three, until you get to use the seven pieces.
a) How many triangles can you form in each case?
b) classifies the ones you found according to the measure of their sides
c) What is the largest perimeter triangle?
2. Shape rectangles with the pieces of the Tangram. Use different numbers of pieces until you get to use them all.
a) How many rectangles can you form in each case?
a) How many rectangles can you form in each case?
b) Which is the largest perimeter?
c) Which is the largest area?
3. Using some pieces of the Tangram, he builds similar figures. Draw them on squared paper and note the relationship between their sides and their areas. Using pieces 1, 2 and 5 builds two squares and finds its similarity ratio.
4. Forms all possible squares of different sizes with different pieces of the Tangram.
5.What combination of parts results in another piece of Tangram? Find all possible alternatives.